Saturday, October 1, 2011


I'm not writing about the Hebrews who live in Jerusalem but the book of the New Testament titled Hebrews.  I'm in Cathy's study on Tuesday morning's, (Hebrews, Pressing On!), it is just for ladies but there is also a night version on Tuesday nights that is for everyone. Talk about stimulating, educating and exhilarating, this study has it all.  For example: the author of Hebrews is conveying the love and full acceptance the Jews had received from the eternal God in the Messiah - the Son, the heir of all things, the Creator, the Sustainer of all things, the One Who upholds all things.  And this One, the author proclaims, is the One Who made purification for our sins - Who DIED for OUR sins. 

This is just a taste, just a small part of one paragraph of Cathy's study on Hebrews...please go to her lesson page on her web site and make yourself a partaker of the divine scripture and the exhilarating study.

One of the things we are doing in the Hebrews class on Tuesday morning's is sharing our testimonies so I thought we I would give you a birds eye view of a Jewish testimony.  I asked Cathy if she had one to share. Grab your Kleenex and read on!

A Jewish Testimony, (true story)!
written by Cathy Wilson
“Our Mashiach has already come?”  Rachel and Hannah were amazed when their neighbor, Grace, spoke to them of Jesus.  “Can you show us this Jesus from the Torah?” 

Grace spoke of Jesus’ sacrifice and presented them with a tract on the Triune God.  She later called her Pastor for assistance in witnessing to these two Russian Jewish ultra-Orthodox teenagers.  I had just started teaching a Jewish Roots of Christianity class at Grace’s church the night before; Grace was given my number.  The phone in my office rang.

I spoke with both girls separately and shared from the Torah – the first five books of Moses.  I told them that in fulfillment of the Passover from Leviticus 23, Yeshua is our perfect Passover Lamb.  We spoke about the sacrificial offerings God gave Israel and how they all point to Yeshua.  I explained that Yeshua has to be the Jewish Messiah from the time frame highlighted in Genesis 49:10.  Rachel, delighted at hearing this news, continued to exclaim, “It all makes sense; I can’t wait to tell my Rabbi”!  Upon their confession of faith in Yeshua, admission of sin, and request for forgiveness, I prayed with each individually, and could hardly contain my tears of joy!  That afternoon Rachel called her friend, the Rabbi’s daughter, to share her discovery!

“This is not a good thing,” declared the Rabbi to the girls’ mother, Myrna.  “Yes, this is a good thing,” responded Myrna! 

Discipleship with Rachel and Hannah commenced.  They devoured Scripture and Gospel books.  I gave Myrna a “Jesus” video, a Bible, and tracts – all in Russian.  Rachel brought her new Bible to school – the Hebrew Academy – and shared Scriptures with her teachers and friends!  She was ushered into the Rabbi’s office.  After being blasted by the Rabbi, Rachel asked him, “What are you going to say to Ha Shem (God) when He asks you about Yeshua?”

Meetings with Rachel and Hannah continued.  Myrna joined us for lunch one afternoon.  My belief in a Jewish Jesus Who was born a Jew and Who lived as a Jew - and is coming back as a Jew, (Rev.5:5), totally bewildered her.  Myrna then commented to a mutual friend that she no longer wanted me to visit her.  Both Rachel and Hannah eventually married.  Schedules became difficult to mesh.  Hannah and I talked on the phone about two years ago regarding getting together.  It never happened.
Eleven years later. . . .this September, I was invited to a Shabbat dinner at Luda's home. Luda is the Aunt of Rachel and her sister Hannah. Luda also invited her relatives. God reopened the door!  

Oh how I wish I had had a camera to capture the looks on their faces when they saw me that evening. They were surprised, no, they were rather shocked. 
 Myrna was very cool toward me.  They placed me right alongside her at the dining table.  I purposely was – just friendly. Then they began asking questions of me – after dinner.  By that time, Myrna had warmed up a bit.  As they left Luda’s home, Roger, Mryna’s husband, said to me, “You come to our house.”  I don’t know if he so much remembers me as my interaction with him was slim in the past.  However, I do know that Roger– back in 1999 – put up objections to the girls reading the NT.  Myrna squelched Roger at that time.  The families were speaking mostly in Russian (!!??!!) so who knows what they were saying about me while I was sitting there.  I do have a great relationship with Luda – but she spent a lot of time in the kitchen.  I think if she heard anything said that was derogatory about me – she might’ve nipped it.

I was rejoicing on the way home in how God has opened up this door – again!  I'm not sure where each family member stands before God but I know He is not finished with this wonderful family.  Cathy Wilson

Thank you, Cathy, for sharing  some highlights of your times with this Russian Jewish family.  I know there will be more stories in the months to come. 
In a few weeks there is the Sukkot Celebration.
(You won't want to miss this).

For more information on all upcoming events go to and click on the events page.

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Chosen People Blog.

Meribeth Jacqueline Gillespie,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blogger's Eye on the Holy Convocations!

There is an exciting holiday coming...first thing we think of is Christmas.. the Jewish community it is Rosh Hashanah, the Fall Feasts and the High Holy Days!  The message contained in the Jewish Feasts is a precursor to Christmas and is valuable revelation that uses the Old Testament acts of God to bring understanding to the New Testament fulfillment through Jesus Christ! Cathy Wilson's compendium on the Fall Feasts are a wealth of information and are available on her web site.

Why, you ask? Why are the Feasts relevant to the Church, Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus? In Leviticus 23:2, 4 God tells us that these feasts, the feasts of the Lord, are “holy convocations,” That means serious business...for Israel and for us.

God is above time and space.  Yet, He created man in time and space.  God taught the children of Israel the sanctity of time and His sovereignty over history.  The children of Israel were to recognize that God is Lord of every moment and that He must rule over every second of our lives.  The feasts of the Lord point to the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, who reigns as Lord!

The Fall Feasts of Israel include: Rosh Hashanah, (Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot, (Feast of Tabernacles). These Feasts teach lessons which form a spiritual progression:

           The Feast of Trumpets                        The Day of Atonement                 The Feast of Tabernacles
           teaches REPENTANCE                       teaches RESTORATION                 teaches REJOICING

As believers in Jesus we've learned that it is necessary to repent and be restored in order to know the joy of the Lord!  Exciting isn't it, when put into perspective..learn more.

Cathy's synopsis on the High Holy Days.

The shofar, (ram's horn), will sound at synagogues worldwide at sundown on Sept. 28, 2011 to assemble the Jewish community to celebrate their New Year, the year 5772.  To the Jewish community, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.  Rosh Hashanah means “Head of the Year”.  Biblically this feast was known as the Feast of Blowing which became the Day of Trumpets – better known as the Feast of Trumpets (Lev. 23:23-25).  The blowing of the trumpets became the distinguishing characteristic which called the people’s attention to the holy day which was to follow – Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement.  Together Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are known as the Jewish High Holy Days.  The Feast of Tabernacles follows Yom Kippur.  These three feasts are known as the Fall Feasts of Israel.

Cathy Wilson

Come celebrate Rosh Hashanah with Cathy Wilson on September 7, 2011 .  Cathy has lots of classes and events coming up and in progress.  Please check out her events page for Class titles, times, dates and locations. There is lots of information on her web site.

For women only, Cathy will be teaching the book of Hebrews for 10 weeks beginning Sept. 13, at 9:00 a.m. on the campus of Scottsdale Bible Church, Scottsdale, AZ.  Join her for: Hebrews-Pressing On; (Lord, Please don't Let me Grow Mildew)! If you are local and wish to attend, please Email Cathy for the details:   

Blessings from the blogger, Meribeth Gillespie
PS. Want to know more?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Feasts and The Parenthesis!

Cathy Wilson gives insight into the Jewish Feasts and the "PARENTHESIS". 

Have you ever been curious or wondered about the Jewish Holiday Celebrations?   They are called Feasts.  They are actually called the Feasts of the Lord. Jewish people celebrate Feasts because God gave them to the Jewish people during their early years as a nation. “Why?” you ask.  Why did God give the Jewish Nation the Feasts? 
Cathy Wilson answer’s this question:

1. Feasts provide the chronological road map for the world in God’s plan of redemption.
2. Feasts point Israel to their Messiah.  Each Feast has a “rest of the story” aspect pointing to a fulfillment-and that fulfillment was and is always the Messiah.


In Leviticus 23:2, 4 God tells us that these feasts are His appointed times – they are fixed – they are not going to change, as God doesn’t change.  God says, “I am the Lord, I change not.” (Malachi 3:6)

God gave the Jewish people Spring Feasts and Fall Feasts.  They are outlined in Leviticus 23. 
Feast of Trumpets

This fall, Jewish people will be celebrating Rosh Hashanah (biblically – The Feast of Trumpets); it will begin sundown on September 28, 2011.  Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles follow immediately thereafter, ending in mid-October. I want to learn more about the feasts, and how they point to the Messiah.  There are seven (7) Feasts!

The Fall Feasts are coming but check out what occurs in God’s calendar between the Spring Feasts and the Fall Feasts.  I do believe you’ll find it fascinating!
Learn more about the “parenthesis” between the Feasts.

Chosen People Ministries Arizona is now on Facebook.

Chosen People Ministries
Arizona Representative
Cathy Wilson

Cathy loves to spend hours studying and preparing lessons. God gives her understanding and enlightenment when it comes to God’s work with the Chosen People.  Her compassion and commitment is ever growing and some of her written works are available in pdf form on her web site,  I know you'll get hooked once you start checking out these great pdf's.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Chosen People Celebrate Shavuot

Want to hear more about how God is working with the Chosen People?  Just ask Cathy Wilson, she is the  representative for Chosen People Ministries in the Valley of the Sun.  Cathy visits many Jewish people in any given week and shares the truth of God's Word with each one of them.  Her style is individual and dedicated. Here is just a sampling of the things Cathy has to share with all who will listen.

At sundown, on June 8, 2011 the Jewish community celebrated Shavuot. (Shavuot commemorates God giving the Law to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai).

The Torah in Leviticus 23:15-21, tells us that the Feast of Shavuot is to be celebrated  "Seven (7) weeks or on the 50Th day following the Feast of First Fruits, which always occurs the day after the Sabbath following Passover.  It is also the day the followers of Jesus celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

On the Feast of Shavuot, seven (7) weeks, or on the 50Th day following the Feast of First Fruits (Jesus rose from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits during the Passover week) . . . the roads up to Jerusalem were crowded with Jewish pilgrims.  Why?  We read in Deut. 16:16 that God had commanded all Jewish males to appear before HIM in Jerusalem, THREE (3) times each year: on the Feast of Passover, on the Feast of Shavuot (which is also the day of Pentecost), and on the Feast of Tabernacles. 

Connect the Dots: SHAVUOT, the giving of the law; PENTECOST, the giving of the Holy Spirit. Both happened on the same day, years apart.  Check out the link to read of the amazing contrast noted in Scripture regarding SHAVUOT and PENTECOST.   In both, God opened the way of communication to man: SHAVUOT so that the Jews would know God's law; PENTECOST so that God's message of salvation could be taken to the world.

Acts 2:5 tells us that there were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost – Jews – devout men – from EVERY nation under heaven.

 Acts 2:2 – there was a powerful sound from where the disciples were gathered - “like the blowing of a violent wind. . . .”
The rushing mighty wind probably has connection with the fact that in both the Hebrew (ruwach) and Greek (pneuma) languages, the word for Spirit (as in Holy Spirit) is the same word for breath or wind.  The sound from heaven is the sound of the Holy Spirit – the life giving Spirit of God - being poured out on the disciples.

Acts 2:6 – “When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.”
And there appeared unto them tongues as of fire (Acts 2:3) that rested on each of the disciples.....
Acts 1:8 - Jesus had told them that the Holy Spirit would come upon them – and they would be witnesses – they would SPEAK of Him.  Jesus told them, “. . . and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

And so, on this Feast of Shavuot/Feast of Pentecost, the 50Th day following Jesus’ resurrection – God empowered the disciples – Jewish men - to follow their destiny to bless all the nations of the world by sharing the message of REDEMPTION, DELIVERANCE through the MESSIAH JESUS. 

Learn more: feast-of-shavuot-pentecost.pdf
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